Empowering small businesses and jobseekers

Grow in your career or business with a program designed for underestimated founders and jobseekers. 

Building MOMENTUM through partnerships

Walton Birch was founded on the notion of breaking down barriers to success for founders and job seekers. MOMENTUM, our internship program, gives underrepresented women and minorities who lack the access to resources the opportunity to achieve their career goals.

We achieve this by connecting small businesses with interns. The businesses are able to gain critical marketing momentum, and build a diverse and talented workforce and the intern is able to gain real-world experiences they can later apply in their careers.

MOMENTUM Project Internships

Marketing Internships

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Entrepreneurship Internships

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Technology Internships

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Other Internships

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Partners in Success

MOMENTUM internships provide marketing structure and support to help new businesses succeed.

Meet the Designer: Helen Berhane

Helen Berhane

With a solid foundation in accounting, I’ve embarked on an exciting journey to transition into the dynamic realm of graphic and web design. My accounting background has equipped me with a meticulous eye for detail, a knack for problem-solving, and a strong work ethic—all transferable skills that I’m eager to infuse into my new creative career.

Driven by a passion for visual storytelling and user-centric design, I’ve dedicated myself to acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge. I’ve immersed myself in design principles, mastered industry-standard software, and cultivated an understanding of user experience.

This career change represents a thrilling opportunity to combine my analytical prowess with my newfound creativity. I’m committed to crafting captivating visuals, user-friendly interfaces, and compelling digital experiences that resonate with audiences and meet the diverse needs of clients.

As I continue to evolve and grow in this new career path, I’m excited to leverage my accounting foundation to bring a unique perspective to the world of graphic and web design, ultimately aiming to craft aesthetically pleasing and strategically practical designs that leave a lasting impression.

Help Launch a Career

Sponsor a MOMENTUM Project Internship or become a mentor.


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